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  1. System Bootup Behavior
  2. Checking PX4 Status
  3. PX4 Startup Configuration

Sentinel PX4

System Bootup Behavior

PX4 starts automatically after Sentinel boots via the voxl-px4 service.

Checking PX4 Status


The following services are required to be running:

  • voxl-mavlink-server
  • voxl-vision-hub
  • voxl-px4
 Service Name         |  Enabled  |   Running   |  CPU Usage
 docker-autorun       | Disabled  | Not Running |
 docker-daemon        | Disabled  | Not Running |
 modallink-relink     | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-camera-server   |  Enabled  |   Running   |   30.0
 voxl-cpu-monitor     | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-dfs-server      | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-imu-server      | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-mavlink-server  |  Enabled  |   Running   |     0.0
 voxl-modem           | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-portal          | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-px4-imu-server  | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-px4             |  Enabled  |   Running   |     0.0
 voxl-qvio-server     | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-static-ip       | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-streamer        | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-tag-detector    | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-tflite-server   | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-time-sync       | Disabled  | Not Running |
 voxl-vision-hub      |  Enabled  |   Running   |     0.0
 voxl-wait-for-fs     |  Enabled  |  Completed  |

If it is not running, the following wizards can be used:


PX4 Startup Configuration

The startup configuration is specified here:


The service that starts PX4 up on bootup is here:


Next Step: Connect to Ground Station