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VOXL 2 IO Legacy Guide

Table of contents

  1. Overview
    1. VOXL SDK Requirements
    2. Summary
    3. Limitations
      1. Supported Mixers and Airframe Setup
      2. UART ESC Compatibility
      3. PX4 Parameters
      4. Spektrum RC Binding
      5. PWM ESC Calibration
      6. VOXL 2 Firmware Update
  2. Wiring Guides
    1. Host Connection
      1. VOXL 2 as Host (M0054)
      2. RB5-Flight as Host (M0052)
    2. RC Connections
      1. Using S.BUS (FrSky R-XSR)
      2. Using S.BUS (Graupner GR-16)
      3. Using Spektrum (DSMX)
    3. PWM Connection
  3. Modes and LED Patterns
    1. Bootloader Mode
    2. Application Running in Waiting Mode
    3. Application Running in Standard Mode
    4. Firmware Update Mode
    5. Communication Error Mode
  4. Developer Guide
    1. Hardware
    2. Software
      1. High Level Idea
      2. Running on VOXL2
      3. Running on VOXL2 IO
  5. PX4IO Based Firmware
    1. Bootloader
      1. Build
      2. Flash
    2. Application
      1. Build
      2. Flash


To help with searching in our docs, the VOXL 2 IO board will be called legacy PX4IO based board

VOXL SDK Requirements

This is not valid for VOXL SDK 1.1.1 or newer. See here for newer guide.

This is accurate for SDK 0.9.5, and there were some breaking changes in SDK 1.0 when the PX4IO driver dropped from mainline PX4.

  • SDK 1.1.0 - no change
  • SDK 1.0.1 - PX4 1.14, no PWM support, SBUS RC input support only
  • SDK 0.9.5 - PX4 1.12, basic 4 channel support, see following documentation


The legacy PX4IO based board requires a host running PX4 running the px4io module, such as VOXL 2. The IO board provides PWM outputs (8) and expands the native Spektrum RC support by adding S.BUS support (and provides passthrough Spektrum as well).

The IO board is powered from and communicates via VOXL 2’s RC port. The VOXL 2 communicates to the legacy PX4IO based board using a UART connection.


Supported Mixers and Airframe Setup

Airframe selection via QGroundControl is not supported.

This has validated against quad_x and hex_x airframes only. In the current release, configuring the mixer is done manually by editing the /usr/lib/rfsa/adsp/quad_x_io.main.mix file.


R: 4x 10000 10000 10000 0


R: 6x 10000 10000 10000 0

UART ESC Compatibility

This has not been validated to be used in parallel to the ModalAI UART ESC yet to expose additional PWM channels while also using the ModalAI UART ESC.

PX4 Parameters

The defaults set by voxl-px4-set-default-parameters.config. Ensure you vehicle is configured correctly.


Spektrum RC Binding

The Spektrum bind feature invoked via QGroundControl does not work and needs to be ran manually from VOXL2. To enable Spektrum bind:

Connect to VOXL 2’s shell:

adb shell

Run the following commands to put Spektrum RC in bind mode.

px4-qshell px4io safety_on
px4-qshell px4io bind dsmx8

PWM ESC Calibration

NOTE: the following feature is still in beta.

For this process to work, you need to have physical access to J1 (PWM output port).

Use with caution, as this will be setting PWM outputs which could spin motors inadvertently.


Using the Sentinel drone with PWM based ESCs as an example:

  • Power off the drone
  • Remove the PWM cable from legacy PX4IO based connector J1
  • Power on the drone
  • adb or ssh onto the drone
  • get prepared to re-attach the cable (but not yet)

After you do the next step, you have 10 seconds to connect the PWM cable back to J1.

  • from the terminal, run px4-qshell pwm cal_backdoor

Note: you will see an timeout error message, this is OK, for example:

voxl2:/$ px4-qshell pwm cal_backdoor
INFO  [qshell] Send cmd: 'pwm cal_backdoor'
ERROR [qshell] command timed out
ERROR [qshell] Command failed
  • re-attach the cable, ESCs will make a short power on jingle
  • in 10 seconds, a set of beeps being lasting several seconds
  • after the jingles are done, you are done

Here’s the waveform generated over time:


And the same in video, for fun ;)

VOXL 2 Firmware Update

The Firmware Update feature from host to legacy PX4IO based board is currently not supported.

Wiring Guides

Host Connection

VOXL 2 as Host (M0054)


From VOXL2, connect J19 pins 9-12 to VOXL2 IO J4 pins 1-4 as shown here:

VOXL 2legacy PX4IO based board
J19 Pin 9 - 3P3VJ4 Pin 1 - 3P3V_IO
J19 Pin 10 - Host TXJ4 Pin 2 - IO RX
J19 Pin 11 - Host RXJ4 Pin 3 - IO TX
J19 Pin 12 - GNDJ4 Pin 4 - GND

RB5-Flight as Host (M0052)


RB5-Flightlegacy PX4IO based board
J12 Pin 1 - 3P3VJ4 Pin 1 - 3P3V_IO
J12 Pin 2 - Host TXJ4 Pin 2 - IO RX
J12 Pin 3 - Host RXJ4 Pin 3 - IO TX
J12 Pin 4 - GNDJ4 Pin 4 - GND

RC Connections

Using S.BUS (FrSky R-XSR)

In the following example, the FrSky R-XSR receiver is being used with MCBL-00065-1:


Using S.BUS (Graupner GR-16)

In the following example, the Graupner GR-16 receiver is being used has had it’s channel 8 setup as SBUS with MCBL-00064-1:


Using Spektrum (DSMX)

In the following example, the Spektrum SMX-SPM9745 receiver is being used with MCBL-00005-1:


PWM Connection

In the following example, the PWM Breakout Board (MCCA-M0022) and cable (MCBL-00004-1) are used to expose PWM based actuation:


Modes and LED Patterns

The legacy PX4IO based board can be in the following modes accompanied with a unique LED pattern.

  • Bootloader Mode
  • Application Running in Waiting Mode
  • Application Running in Standard Mode
  • Firmware update mode
  • Communication error mode

Bootloader Mode

For the first 200ms after power on, the legacy PX4IO based board is in bootloader mode. The serial firmware update could be performed during this time.

Note: this mode is very short lived an almost not perceptible to the eye.

legacy PX4IO based board LEDStateMeaning
GreenSolidPower Good
BlueOffApplication not running
OrangeFast Blink (10Hz)In bootloader mode

Application Running in Waiting Mode

When the system is running and communications with VOXL 2 have not started and it is waiting, the following LED pattern can be seen.

legacy PX4IO based board LEDStateMeaning
GreenSolidPower Good
BlueBlink Slow (2Hz)Application running OK
OrangeSolidWarning, waiting for VOXL 2

Application Running in Standard Mode

When the system is running, the following LED pattern can be seen.

legacy PX4IO based board LEDStateMeaning
GreenSolidPower Good
BlueBlink Slow (2Hz)Application running OK
OrangeOffNo error or warning

Firmware Update Mode

When the system is in firmware update mode, the following LED pattern can be seen.

legacy PX4IO based board LEDStateMeaning
GreenSolidPower Good
BlueFast Blink (10Hz)Firmware update in progress
OrangeFast Blink (10Hz)In bootloader mode

Communication Error Mode

When communication errors occur, the following LED pattern can be seen.

Note: early RB5 based releases showed this mode when acting as an RC passthrough.

legacy PX4IO based board LEDStateMeaning
GreenSolidPower Good
BlueBlink Slow (2Hz)Communication with VOXL 2 OK
OrangeMediaum Blink (4Hz)Warning, not getting actuation messages

Developer Guide

This is not valid for VOXL SDK 1.1.1 or newer. See (here)[/voxl2-io-user-guide/] for newer guide.

This is valid for VOXL SDK 0.9.5 - 1.1.0.



  • A battery powers VOXL2 (M0054) through a Power Module (M0041), and the battery also powers the ESCs/Motors
  • VOXL2 J19 connects to VOXL2 IO J4 to provide both power and communications using a UART
  • VOXL2 IO connects to an RC receiver (either J2 or J3, depending on user’s receiver type)
  • VOXL2 IO J1 connects to a PWM breakboard board (M0022) and ‘communicates’ to the ESCs using PWM, which in turn spin the motors



High Level Idea

VOXL2 runs PX4 and VOXL2 IO runs PX4IO. They share a register map and keep it synchronized. The VOXL2 IO has a control loop that includes mixing, and reacts to updates that are from VOXL2s px4io driver which populates the register map based updates to subscriptions.

Running on VOXL2

  • On VOXL2 (M0054), the px4io driver runs on the sDSP/SLPI proc
  • The px4io driver creates a bit of a hybrid device which has a few similarities as pwm_output device
  • The voxl-px4.config script starts the detection and configuration process, including loading a mixer, which actually runs on VOXL2 IO (M0065)
  • The px4io driver subscribes to various topics and updates the ‘registers’ on the VOXL2 IO board by sending commands over UART following a simple protocol

Running on VOXL2 IO

  • Upon bootup, VOXL2 (M0054) detects the VOXL2 IO (M0065) board, and configures the VOXL2 IO board including loading of a mixer
  • A control loop takes place, which involves checking various flags, updating status based upon updates from VOXL2, checking for inputs, handling outputs, etc

PX4IO Based Firmware

Note: this is no longer maintained. See here for newer information.



Build Docker
Source Code

To build:

git clone
cd px4-bootloader-build-docker

cd ..
git clone -b --recursive
cd px4-bootloader
cp ../px4-bootloader-build-docker/ .

make modalai_voxl2_io_bl -j4

Output at build/modalai_voxl2_io_bl/modalai_voxl2_io_bl.bin


Write the 4kb bootloader to 0x08000000



Build Docker
Source Code

To build:
cd px4-stm32-build-docker

cd ..
git clone -b voxl2-io-1.11 --recursive
cd px4-firmware
cp ../px4-stm32-build-docker/ .

make modalai_voxl2-io

Output at build/modalai_voxl2-io/modalai_voxl2_io.bin


Write the 60kb application to 0x08001000