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A comprehensive drone reference design with low-power, high-performance heterogenous computing, artificial intelligence engine that is designed to deliver 15 TOPS deep learning capability, GPS-denied navigation, obvstacle avoidance and 5G connectivity, support for 7 image sensor concurrency, computer vision, and vault-like security.


Part NumberDescription
MRB-D0006-4-V1-C11-M7-T1-K0Sentinel Development Drone Kit, with 5G Modem Add-On
MRB-D0006-4-V1-C11-M13-T1-K0Sentinel Development Drone Kit, with Wi-Fi Modem Add-On
MRB-D0006-4-V1-C11-M3-T1-K0Sentinel Development Drone Kit, with Microhard Modem Add-On
MRB-D0006-4-V1-C11Sentinel Development Drone, Stand Alone

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