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FLIR Hadron 640R Support on VOXL2 and VOXL2 Mini

Table of contents

  1. Overview
    1. Required Hardware
    2. WARNING
    3. Interfacing Options
    4. Hardware Setup
      1. Connect M0159 Adapter to Hadron
      2. Connect M0181 to Voxl2 Mini J7 or Voxl2
    5. Software Setup
      1. Confirm sensormodule drivers exist
      2. Copy correct sensormodule drivers
      3. Confirm these exist (also part of camera sernsor drivers):
      4. Configure CCI Mux on M0159 via GPIO
    6. Testing
      1. Detect cameras
      2. Minimum config
      3. Start Voxl Camera Server
    7. Supported Resolutions and Modes
      1. Max Resolution
    8. Images and Diagrams
      1. M0159 Adapter Plugged into Hadron 640R
      2. M0181 Adapter
      3. Image of M0181 Plugged into VOXL2 Mini J7
      4. Connection Diagram


VOXL2 and VOXL2 mini support interfacing with FLIR Hadron 640R. Modalai interface board and connectors are required.

Required Hardware

  • FLIR Hadron 640R (not included)
  • M0159 + M0181 adapters
  • MCBL-00084-180 (qty 2) micro coax cables


  • Mating M0159 with M0181 needs to be done with care
    • ❗ Even though the coax cables are the same for both connections between M0159 and M0181, the order cannot be swapped ❗
    • M0159 J2 (5L) <-> M0181 J1 (5L)
    • M0159 J3 (HR) <-> M0181 J2 (HR)
    • HR connector has to conect to HR and 5L to 5L. HR and 5L are labels next to the connectors on M0159 and M0181
  • ❗Incorrectly connecting M159 to M0181 will likely result in damage of Hadron 640R due to incompatible power rails ❗
  • Shipped assemblies have been correctly connected and tested

Interfacing Options

  • Once M0159 adapter is plugged into the back of Hadron 640R, usb port on M0159 can be used to power Hadron and interface / configure the IR sensor via the USB interface.
  • In order to use MIPI connection for the IR sensor, it must be configured to enable MIPI output, see SW instructions in
    • Note that for some versions of Hadron firmware, switching from 60 to 30 FPS is required, as described in the document above. This is because frame timing of 60 FPS may be incompatible with VOXL2 camera ISP, resulting in stopoped stream shortly after start.
    • Hadron firmware 3.0.26416 has been tested to work properly at 60FPS. If other firmware is used, 30 FPS may need to be selecting using the frame skip feature in Hadron configuration.
  • It is safe to have the Hadron plugged into VOXL2 as well as USB - make sure all connections are made while the power to VOXL2 is off

Hardware Setup

Connect M0159 Adapter to Hadron

  • If necessary, remove any interface boards plugged into Hadron 640R in order to allow M0159 to plug in flush with the back of Hadron 640R
  • Make sure the connector of M0159 aligns with Hadron
  • See image below for an example of a mated connection

Connect M0181 to Voxl2 Mini J7 or Voxl2

  • Make sure pin alignment on connectors is correct. the mounting holes should align and the tab of M0181 will hover above the main SoC
  • See attached images below
  • The tab can be removed from M0181 if not needed
  • J7 is officially supported. Other connectors (J6, J8) may be used, but a Kernel change is required (not recommended)

Software Setup

  • Use Voxl2 mini (VOXL2 also supported)
  • Install sdk 1.4.0 (tested) or later
  • Change apt source to dev : /etc/apt/sources.list.d/modalai.list
  • deb [trusted=yes] ./dists/qrb5165/dev/binary-arm64/
    apt update
    apt install libmodal-pipe voxl-portal voxl-camera-server

Confirm sensormodule drivers exist

  • in chi-cdk directory where all the camera drivers are kept (but not used)
    ls /usr/share/modalai/chi-cdk/ov64b40 : com.qti.sensormodule.ov64b40_0.bin ... 5.bin
    ls /usr/share/modalai/chi-cdk/boson:    com.qti.sensormodule.boson_0.bin ... 5.bin

Copy correct sensormodule drivers

cp /usr/share/modalai/chi-cdk/boson/com.qti.sensormodule.boson_2.bin /usr/lib/camera/
cp /usr/share/modalai/chi-cdk/ov64b40/com.qti.sensormodule.ov64b40_3.bin /usr/lib/camera/

Confirm these exist (also part of camera sernsor drivers):


Configure CCI Mux on M0159 via GPIO

  • Use gpio 6 on J7 of VOXL2 Mini to configure the i2c mux to connect J7U cci to Hadron’s cam cci
  • this needs to be done each time after reboot, before running camera server
    voxl-gpio -m 6 out && voxl-gpio -w 6 1


Detect cameras

voxl2-mini:/$ voxl-camera-server -l
DEBUG:   Attempting to open the hal module
DEBUG:   SUCCESS: Camera module opened on attempt 0
DEBUG:   ----------- Number of cameras: 2

DEBUG:   Cam idx: 0, Cam slot: 2, Slave Address: 0x00D4, Sensor Id: 0x00FF
DEBUG:   Cam idx: 1, Cam slot: 3, Slave Address: 0x006C, Sensor Id: 0x6442
DEBUG:   Note: This list comes from the HAL module and may not be indicative
DEBUG:      of configurations that have full pipelines

DEBUG:   Number of cameras: 2

Minimum config

  • paste into /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf:
      "version":  0.1,
      "fsync_en": false,
      "fsync_gpio":   109,
      "cameras":  [
              "type": "boson",
              "name": "boson",
              "enabled":  true,
              "camera_id":    0,
              "fps":  30,
              "en_preview":   true,
              "en_misp":  false,
              "preview_width":    640,
              "preview_height":   512,
              "en_raw_preview":   true,
              "en_small_video":   false,
              "en_large_video":   false,
              "ae_mode":  "off"
              "type":             "ov64b",
              "name":             "hires",
              "enabled":          true,
              "camera_id":        1,
              "fps":              30,
              "en_preview":       true,
              "en_misp":          false,
              "preview_width":    1920,
              "preview_height":   1080,
              "en_raw_preview":   false,
              "en_small_video":   false,
              "en_large_video":   false,
              "en_snapshot":  false,
              "ae_mode":  "isp",
              "gain_min": 54,
              "gain_max": 32000

Start Voxl Camera Server

  • run voxl-camera-server in foreground to make sure everything is going right and you can view streams using voxl-portal
  • without voxl-portal, camera streams can be tested using voxl-inspect-cam tool:
voxl2-mini:/$ voxl-list-pipes 

voxl2-mini:/$ voxl-inspect-cam boson hires_color
|   Pipe Name |  bytes  | wide |  hgt |exp(ms)| gain | frame id |latency(ms)|  fps |  mbps  | format
|       boson |  327680 |  640 |  512 |  0.00 |  799 |      456 |     11.2  | 60.0 |  157.3 | RAW8
| hires_color | 3110400 | 1920 | 1080 | 16.64 |  324 |      224 |     40.0  | 29.8 |  741.8 | NV12
  • note that very high resolution streams viewed as YUVs (which are transferred as MJPG by voxl-portal) will take a lot of CPU to encode to MJPG and also a lot of bandwidth to stream.

Supported Resolutions and Modes

  • IR sensor supports 640x512 resolution
  • OV64B currently supports the following modes
  • these are the RAW modes that camera can be configured to (by the camera pipeline)
    • the camera pipeline picks the best mode based on the requested resolution and fps
    • note that if you request 3840x2160 30FPS, the camera pipeline actually selects 4624x3472 because it matches the desired FPS (30)
    • actual selected mode can be checked using logcat | grep -i selected before starting camera server, the selected resolution will be printed for each camera.
      # (Mbps per csi lane)

Max Resolution

  • 9248x6944 9fps
  • voxl-camera-server.conf setting:
    "preview_width":    9248,
    "preview_height":   6944,
  • Note that at this >8K resolution, the Qualcomm ISP runs in dual VFE mode, which means you cannot use any other non-RAW camera that uses the ISP.
  • MISP approach does not use Qualcomm ISP and will support more cameras (documentation coming soon)

Images and Diagrams

M0159 Adapter Plugged into Hadron 640R


M0181 Adapter

M0181 TOP m0181-top

M0181 BOTTOM m0181-bottom

Image of M0181 Plugged into VOXL2 Mini J7


Connection Diagram

  • the primary use case is to use M0159 + M0181
  • M0159 + M0155 + M0162 is also possible
