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SDK 1.1.X Release Notes

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SDK 1.1 Support Matrix

PlatformPCB TargetsSupport Status
VOXL 2M0054-1, M0054-2, M0154-1, M0154-2
VOXL 2 MiniM0104-1
VOXL FlightM0019-2
Qualcomm Flight RB5M0052-2
Flight Core v2M0087-1
Flight Core v1M0018-1

The SDK-1.1.0 - SDK-1.1.2 releases on the QRB5165 platform use the 1.7.1 system image while SDK-1.1.3 uses the 1.7.4 system image. See here for system image release notes.

Note: Updated Flight Core firmware is bundled in the APQ8096 SDK package and also available in the voxl-packages package repo here:

Don’t forget to flash your flight core through QGC (instructions here) with the new firmware.

Table of contents

  1. SDK 1.1.X Release Notes
  2. New Features in SDK 1.1.X
  3. SDK 1.1.3 Package List and Changelog
    1. SDK 1.1.3 Package List
    2. SDK 1.1.3 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.1.2)
  4. SDK 1.1.2 Package List and Changelog
    1. SDK 1.1.2 Package List
    2. SDK 1.1.2 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.1.1)
  5. SDK 1.1.1 Package List and Changelog
    1. SDK 1.1.1 Package List
    2. SDK 1.1.1 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.1.0)
  6. SDK 1.1.0 Package List and Changelog
    1. SDK 1.1.0 Package List
    2. SDK 1.1.0 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.0.0)
  7. SDK 1.1.X Test Matrix
    1. SDK 1.1.3 Test Status

New Features in SDK 1.1.X

  • APQ8096 and RB5 support

    • Now all VOXL and RB5 products run the same SDK across the board!
  • ROS2 Foxy Support

    • voxl-mpa-to-ros2 node
    • DDS integration with PX4 on SDSP
    • offboard figure 8 example
    • instructions here
  • PX4 1.14 on Flight Core

    • Our Flight Core V1 and V2 images are now build from the same codebase as the PX4 version running on VOXL 2 SDSP ensuring predictable PX4 behavior across the product line.
  • New Camera Support

    • VOXL 2 now supports native full resolutions for IMX412
    • Lens shading correction for IMX214
    • New AR0144 WXGA fisheye tracking camera support
    • New Custom camera configuration method
    • Raw Data Interface and accelerated debayering for OV9782 for improved VIO
  • New Tools

    • voxl-record-raw-image
    • voxl-image-stats
    • voxl-bayer-stats
  • Other

    • Improved thresholding in voxl-calibrate-camera that’s less sensitive to lighting conditions
    • fix docker on qrb5165
    • 16-bit raw lepton thermal camera data pipe
    • neopixel support through voxl-esc
    • Send VIO packets with quality=-1 to PX4 on VIO failure to utilize PX4’s new quality metric functionality and make for more graceful fallback to altitude flight mode.
    • CVP-accelerated image rectification for depth from stereo pipeline.
    • Fix race condition when two clients of the same name connect at the same time.
    • QRB5165 platforms can now communicate with external autopilots through SDSP-attached UART ports allowing easy connectivity through the normal ESC port when not using PX4-on-SDSP
    • Add M0065 SBUS support with new dsp_sbus driver

SDK 1.1.3 Package List and Changelog

SDK 1.1.3 Package List

Release date: February 26, 2024

Package list and changes from SDK-1.1.2 to SDK-1.1.3

apq8096-dfs-server0.3.1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-imu-server1.1.0 (unchanged) 
apq8096-libpng1.6.38-1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-rangefinder-server0.1.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-system-tweaks0.2.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-tflite2.8.3-1 (unchanged) 
libapq8096-io0.6.0 (unchanged) 
libmodal-cv0.4.0 (unchanged)
libmodal-exposure0.1.0 (unchanged)
libmodal-journal0.2.2 (unchanged)
libmodal-json0.4.3 (unchanged)
libmodal-pipe2.9.2 (unchanged)
libqrb5165-io0.4.2 (unchanged) 
librc-math1.4.2 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cci-direct0.2.1 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cutils0.1.1 (unchanged)
qrb5165-dfs-server0.2.0 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-imu-server1.0.1 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-rangefinder-server0.1.1 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-system-tweaks0.2.3 –> 0.2.6 
qrb5165-tflite2.8.0-2 (unchanged) 
voxl-bind-spektrum0.1.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-boost1.65.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-camera-calibration0.5.3 (unchanged)
voxl-camera-server1.8.9 (unchanged)
voxl-ceres-solver2:1.14.0-10 (unchanged)
voxl-configurator0.4.8 –> 0.5.2
voxl-cpu-monitor0.4.7 (unchanged)
voxl-docker-support1.3.0 (unchanged)
voxl-elrs0.1.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-esc1.3.7 –> 1.4.0 
voxl-feature-tracker0.3.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-flow-server0.3.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-gphoto2-server0.0.10 (unchanged)
voxl-jpeg-turbo2.1.3-5 (unchanged)
voxl-lepton-server1.2.0 (unchanged)
voxl-libgphoto20.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-libuvc1.0.7 (unchanged)
voxl-logger0.3.5 (unchanged)
voxl-mapper0.2.0 (unchanged)
voxl-mavcam-manager0.5.3 (unchanged)
voxl-mavlink-server1.3.2 (unchanged)
voxl-modem1.0.8 (unchanged)
voxl-mongoose7.7.0-1 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-tools1.1.3 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-to-ros0.3.7 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-to-ros20.0.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-neopixel-manager0.0.3 (unchanged)
voxl-nlopt2.5.0-4 (unchanged)
voxl-opencv4.5.5-2 (unchanged)
voxl-portal0.6.3 (unchanged)
voxl-px41.14.0-2.0.63 (unchanged) 
voxl-px4-imu-server0.1.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-px4-params0.3.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-qvio-server1.0.0 (unchanged)
voxl-remote-id0.0.9 (unchanged) 
voxl-ros2-foxy0.0.1 (unchanged) 
voxl-streamer0.7.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tag-detector0.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tflite-server0.3.1 (unchanged)
voxl-utils1.3.3 –> 1.3.8
voxl-uvc-server0.1.6 (unchanged)
voxl-vision-hub1.7.3 (unchanged)
voxl-voxblox1.1.5 (unchanged)
voxl-vpn0.0.6 (unchanged) 

SDK 1.1.3 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.1.2)

qrb5165-system-tweaks  (0.2.3 to 0.2.6)
    * fix missing M0052 handling
    * voxl-platform uses the new kernel module instead of looking in rootfs
    * new tool voxl-variant
    * speed up voxl-platform

voxl-configurator  (0.4.8 to 0.5.2)
    * add experimental mode handling
    * add voxl-configure-open-vins framework
    * kill voxl-mavlink-server before setting px4 params
    * add support for fpv revb v4
    * remove px4 params file before setting up voxl-px4 to ensure no old params survive
    * fix D0013 board type
    * new cal file check for dual ar0144 cams

voxl-esc  (1.3.7 to 1.4.0)
    * fix fpv m0138 params
    * add support for fpv v4
    * add "setup_starling_silver_motors" and "black motors" options
    * set cpu performance mode during firmware flash
    * put fpvrevB back to silent (no) startup chirp

voxl-utils  (1.3.3 to 1.3.8)
    * fix default machine and variant in voxl-version
    * add neofetch
    * voxl-version: use voxl-platform-mod output if available
    * speed up voxl-version and welcome screen
    * add "-j" (json) option to voxl-version

SDK 1.1.2 Package List and Changelog

SDK 1.1.2 Package List

Expected release date: December 15, 2023

Package list and changes from SDK-1.1.1 to SDK-1.1.2

apq8096-dfs-server0.3.1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-imu-server1.1.0 (unchanged) 
apq8096-libpng1.6.38-1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-rangefinder-server0.1.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-system-tweaks0.2.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-tflite2.8.3-1 (unchanged) 
libapq8096-io0.6.0 (unchanged) 
libmodal-cv0.4.0 (unchanged)
libmodal-exposure0.1.0 (unchanged)
libmodal-journal0.2.2 (unchanged)
libmodal-json0.4.3 (unchanged)
libmodal-pipe2.9.2 (unchanged)
libqrb5165-io0.4.2 (unchanged) 
librc-math1.4.2 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cci-direct0.2.1 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cutils0.1.1 (unchanged)
qrb5165-dfs-server0.2.0 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-imu-server1.0.0 –> 1.0.1 
qrb5165-rangefinder-server0.1.0 –> 0.1.1 
qrb5165-system-tweaks0.2.3 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-tflite2.8.0-2 (unchanged) 
voxl-bind-spektrum0.1.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-boost1.65.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-camera-calibration0.5.3 (unchanged)
voxl-camera-server1.8.7 –> 1.8.9
voxl-ceres-solver2:1.14.0-10 (unchanged)
voxl-configurator0.4.5 –> 0.4.8
voxl-cpu-monitor0.4.7 (unchanged)
voxl-docker-support1.3.0 (unchanged)
voxl-elrs0.1.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-esc1.3.6 –> 1.3.7 
voxl-feature-tracker0.3.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-flow-server0.3.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-gphoto2-server0.0.10 (unchanged)
voxl-jpeg-turbo2.1.3-5 (unchanged)
voxl-lepton-server1.2.0 (unchanged)
voxl-libgphoto20.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-libuvc1.0.7 (unchanged)
voxl-logger0.3.5 (unchanged)
voxl-mapper0.2.0 (unchanged)
voxl-mavcam-manager0.5.3 (unchanged)
voxl-mavlink-server1.3.2 (unchanged)
voxl-modem1.0.8 (unchanged)
voxl-mongoose7.7.0-1 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-tools1.1.3 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-to-ros0.3.7 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-to-ros20.0.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-neopixel-manager0.0.3 (new)
voxl-nlopt2.5.0-4 (unchanged)
voxl-opencv4.5.5-2 (unchanged)
voxl-portal0.6.2 –> 0.6.3
voxl-px41.14.0-2.0.59 –> 1.14.0-2.0.63 
voxl-px4-imu-server0.1.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-px4-params0.3.2 –> 0.3.3 
voxl-qvio-server1.0.0 (unchanged)
voxl-remote-id0.0.9 (unchanged) 
voxl-ros2-foxy0.0.1 (unchanged) 
voxl-streamer0.7.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tag-detector0.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tflite-server0.3.1 (unchanged)
voxl-utils1.3.3 (unchanged)
voxl-uvc-server0.1.6 (unchanged)
voxl-vision-hub1.7.2 –> 1.7.3
voxl-voxblox1.1.5 (unchanged)
voxl-vpn0.0.6 (unchanged) 

SDK 1.1.2 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.1.1)

qrb5165-imu-server  (1.0.0 to 1.0.1)
    * fix timestamp irregularities when CPU is heavily loaded

qrb5165-rangefinder-server  (0.1.0 to 0.1.1)
    * update direction vector and location for downward sensor

voxl-camera-server  (1.8.7 to 1.8.9)
    * allow duplicate cam id's in config file as long as they are disabled
    * parse independent exposure setting if stereo cam has secondary id=0
    * start the gps client later, after all normal setup steps
    * add feature to attempt skipping potentially unplugged cameras during startup
    * fix bug that might retrieve gain limits incorrectly where camId doesn't match the camera index in config file (rare)
    * now exit with an error if no cameras could be started instead of spinning forever.
    * add temporary fixed ar0144 driver
    * change cam config 20 for D0011 Starling PX4 edition
    * add cci-direct tweaks to set ov7251 blc to every frame. fixes flicker

voxl-configurator  (0.4.5 to 0.4.8)
    * add ELRS scan and update to sentinel V2 config
    * small polishes to voxl-configure-sku
    * add new V3 version to starling to reflect new black motors
    * D0010 and D0011 now use ESC params for black motors
    * set px4 params for D0006 sentinel V2

voxl-esc  (1.3.6 to 1.3.7)
    * added params for new starling black motors
    * new V39 RC9 firmware with current limiting optional feature
    * new V39 RC9 firmware with bugfix for rare glitch

voxl-portal  (0.6.2 to 0.6.3)
    * make gyro accel labels in fft visible again
    * trim dark/light mode header
    * add some more title text to version and services
    * stop trying to "cleanup" the names of camera pipes

voxl-px4-params  (0.3.2 to 0.3.3)
    * add commando 8 params to sentinel V2

voxl-px4  (1.14.0-2.0.59 to 1.14.0-2.0.63)
    * Add voxl-esc back into apps side build to fix missing actuators tab on QGC
    * Added default parameters for voxl2_io so that it shows up on QGC actuators tab
    * Fixed the status LED logic to not blink PURPLE if the COM_CPU_MAX parameter is set to disabled
    * Added check to make sure that hrt_elapsed_time can never be negative and consequently become a huge positive value since the value is unsigned - This time in the right place!
    * Added second instance of cpu load so that both DSP and Apps can report and log it
    * Start apps instance of load_mon in HITL as well
    * Change CPU load to a system CPU load that captures all processes and a process CPU load that captures just the PX4 process
    * Added apps_sbus driver to support M0065 SBUS on apps processor for M0052
    * Fixed units on cpuload topic for Qurt platform
    * Added check to make sure that hrt_elapsed_time can never be negative and consequently become a huge positive value since the value is unsigned
    * Change default value of the GF_PREDICT parameter to zero since the geofence prediction doesn't work very well
    * Change default value of the GF_PREDICT parameter to zero since the geofence prediction doesn't work very well
    * Added check to make sure that hrt_elapsed_time can never be negative and consequently become a huge positive value since the value is unsigned

voxl-vision-hub  (1.7.2 to 1.7.3)
    * fix annoying but harmless print when rangefinder data is missing direction vector

SDK 1.1.1 Package List and Changelog

SDK 1.1.1 Package List

Expected release date: December 1, 2023

Package list and changes from SDK-1.1.0 to SDK-1.1.1

apq8096-dfs-server0.3.1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-imu-server1.0.3 –> 1.1.0 
apq8096-libpng1.6.38-1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-rangefinder-server0.1.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-system-tweaks0.2.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-tflite2.8.3-1 (unchanged) 
libapq8096-io0.6.0 (unchanged) 
libmodal-cv0.4.0 (unchanged)
libmodal-exposure0.1.0 (unchanged)
libmodal-journal0.2.2 (unchanged)
libmodal-json0.4.3 (unchanged)
libmodal-pipe2.9.2 (unchanged)
libqrb5165-io0.4.2 (unchanged) 
librc-math1.4.2 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cci-direct0.2.1 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cutils0.1.1 (unchanged)
qrb5165-dfs-server0.2.0 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-imu-server1.0.0 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-rangefinder-server0.0.4 –> 0.1.0 
qrb5165-system-tweaks0.2.3 (unchanged) 
qrb5165-tflite2.8.0-2 (unchanged) 
voxl-bind-spektrum0.1.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-boost1.65.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-camera-calibration0.5.1 –> 0.5.3
voxl-camera-server1.8.7 (unchanged)
voxl-ceres-solver2:1.14.0-10 (unchanged)
voxl-configurator0.4.4 –> 0.4.5
voxl-cpu-monitor0.4.7 (unchanged)
voxl-docker-support1.3.0 (unchanged)
voxl-elrs0.1.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-esc1.3.4 –> 1.3.6 
voxl-feature-tracker0.3.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-flow-server0.3.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-gphoto2-server0.0.10 (unchanged)
voxl-jpeg-turbo2.1.3-5 (unchanged)
voxl-lepton-server1.2.0 (unchanged)
voxl-libgphoto20.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-libuvc1.0.7 (unchanged)
voxl-logger0.3.5 (unchanged)
voxl-mapper0.2.0 (unchanged)
voxl-mavcam-manager0.5.3 (unchanged)
voxl-mavlink-server1.3.1 –> 1.3.2
voxl-modem1.0.8 (unchanged)
voxl-mongoose7.7.0-1 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-tools1.1.2 –> 1.1.3
voxl-mpa-to-ros0.3.7 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-to-ros20.0.1 –> 0.0.2 
voxl-nlopt2.5.0-4 (unchanged)
voxl-opencv4.5.5-2 (unchanged)
voxl-portal0.6.2 (unchanged)
voxl-px41.14.0-2.0.55 –> 1.14.0-2.0.59 
voxl-px4-imu-server0.1.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-px4-params0.2.7 –> 0.3.2 
voxl-qvio-server0.9.4 –> 1.0.0
voxl-remote-id0.0.9 (unchanged) 
voxl-ros2-foxy0.0.1 (unchanged) 
voxl-streamer0.7.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tag-detector0.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tflite-server0.3.1 (unchanged)
voxl-utils1.3.3 (unchanged)
voxl-uvc-server0.1.6 (unchanged)
voxl-vision-hub1.7.1 –> 1.7.2
voxl-voxblox1.1.5 (unchanged)
voxl-vpn0.0.6 (unchanged) 

SDK 1.1.1 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.1.0)

qrb5165-rangefinder-server  (0.0.4 to 0.1.0)
    * add publishing downward rangefinder to mavlink

voxl-camera-calibration  (0.5.1 to 0.5.3)
    * fix white border feature
    * improve bash completion
    * for fisheye lenses use resolution to predict staring point for focal length
    * add additional fudge factor at far corners to help with fisheye lens shading
    * new targets for wide fisheye (M0149 AR0144 tracking)
    * enable chessboard detection even when exceeding borders slightly

voxl-configurator  (0.4.4 to 0.4.5)
    * D0011 enable d0011 extrinsics
    * enable new downward mode for rangefinder on D0011

voxl-esc  (1.3.4 to 1.3.6)
    * fix kv for backemf compensation on Starling
    * add sleep after stopping voxl-px4 to improve reliability
    * increase tune power on starling to work with M0129

voxl-mavlink-server  (1.3.1 to 1.3.2)
    * re-enable timsync on px4 slpi behind the en_timesync params
    * add note to config file header

voxl-mpa-tools  (1.1.2 to 1.1.3)
    * fix erroneous "fail" print during configure extrinsics
    * fix y location not being printed in voxl-inspect-detections
    * add D0011 starling px4 edition extrinsics

voxl-px4-params  (0.2.7 to 0.3.2)
    * set EKF2_EV_QMIN to 1 to prevent ekf2 switching during fast yaw
    * add warning for incompatible parameters
    * new tune for Starling and Starling PX4 edition
    * add helper for voxl2 io pwm out
    * migrate esc params to new "VOXL_ESC_*" name prefix to match new voxl-px4 package
    * fix naming for a couple MPC_* params
    * start D0011 Starling PX4 edition tune

voxl-px4  (1.14.0-2.0.55 to 1.14.0-2.0.59)
    * Added version check on initialization for voxl2_io
    * Renamed modal_io to voxl_esc, including all associated parameter names
    * Added support for voxl2_io
    * Added support for RC GHST protocol on FlightCore and VOXL2
    * Changed GPS, magnetometer, and status LED configuration to auto-detection
    * Some updates to the gazebo HITL support
    * Implemented a backwards compatible way to check for the DSP CPU load
    * Added docker build files and scripts for gazebo (with patches)

voxl-qvio-server  (0.9.4 to 1.0.0)
    * soft lower limit on the quality metric so prevent falsely reporting error during fast yaw motion
    * fix bug when using the blanking feature of voxl-reset-qvio

voxl-vision-hub  (1.7.1 to 1.7.2)
    * fix annoying but harmless print when rangefinders are present but report no distance.
    * send a new heartbeat from MAV_COMP_ID_OBSTACLE_AVOIDANCE to support new PX4 requirements

    * add voxl-ros2-foxy dependency to deb package to fix build chain

SDK 1.1.0 Package List and Changelog

SDK 1.1.0 Package List

Released Nov 10, 2023

Package list and changes from SDK-1.0.0 to SDK-1.1.0

apq8096-dfs-server0.3.1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-imu-server1.0.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-libpng1.6.38-1 (unchanged) 
apq8096-rangefinder-server0.1.3 (unchanged) 
apq8096-system-tweaks0.2.3 –> 0.2.1 
apq8096-tflite2.8.3-1 (unchanged) 
libapq8096-io0.6.0 (unchanged) 
libmodal-cv0.4.0 –> 0.3.2
libmodal-exposure0.1.0 –> 0.0.7
libmodal-journal0.2.2 (unchanged)
libmodal-json0.4.3 (unchanged)
libmodal-pipe2.9.2 –> 2.8.4
libqrb5165-io0.4.2 –> 0.2.0 
librc-math1.4.2 (unchanged)
libvoxl-cci-direct0.2.1 –> 0.1.5
libvoxl-cutils0.1.1 (unchanged)
qrb5165-dfs-server0.2.0 –> 0.1.0 
qrb5165-imu-server1.0.0 –> 0.6.0 
qrb5165-system-tweaks0.2.3 –> 0.2.2 
qrb5165-tflite2.8.0-2 (unchanged) 
voxl-bind-spektrum0.1.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-boost1.65.0 (unchanged) 
voxl-camera-calibration0.5.1 –> 0.4.0
voxl-camera-server1.8.7 –> 1.6.2
voxl-ceres-solver2:1.14.0-10 –> 1.14.0-9
voxl-configurator0.4.4 –> 0.2.7
voxl-cpu-monitor0.4.7 –> 0.4.6
voxl-docker-support1.3.0 –> 1.2.5
voxl-eigen33.4.0 (unchanged)
voxl-elrs0.1.3 –> 0.0.7 
voxl-esc1.3.4 –> 1.2.0 
voxl-feature-tracker0.3.2 –> 0.2.3 
voxl-flow-server0.3.3 (unchanged) 
voxl-gphoto2-server0.0.10 (unchanged)
voxl-jpeg-turbo2.1.3-5 –> 2.1.3-4
voxl-lepton-server1.2.0 –> 1.1.2
voxl-libgphoto20.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-libuvc1.0.7 (unchanged)
voxl-logger0.3.5 –> 0.3.4
voxl-mapper0.2.0 –> 0.1.7
voxl-mavcam-manager0.5.3 –> 0.5.1
voxl-mavlink0.1.1 (unchanged)
voxl-mavlink-server1.3.1 –> 1.2.0 
voxl-modem1.0.8 –> 1.0.5
voxl-mongoose7.7.0-1 (unchanged)
voxl-mpa-tools1.1.2 –> 1.0.4
voxl-mpa-to-ros0.3.7 –> 0.3.6
voxl-nlopt2.5.0-4 (unchanged)
voxl-opencv4.5.5-2 –> 4.5.5-1
voxl-open-vins0.4.4 –> 0.3.0
voxl-portal0.6.2 –> 0.5.8
voxl-px41.14.0-2.0.55 –> 1.14.0-2.0.34 
voxl-px4-imu-server0.1.2 (unchanged) 
voxl-px4-params0.2.7 –> 0.1.8 
voxl-qvio-server0.9.4 –> 0.9.3
voxl-remote-id0.0.9 –> 0.0.8 
voxl-slpi-uart-bridge1.0.1 (new) 
voxl-streamer0.7.4 –> 0.7.1
voxl-tag-detector0.0.4 (unchanged)
voxl-tflite-server0.3.1 (unchanged)
voxl-utils1.3.3 –> 1.3.1
voxl-uvc-server0.1.6 (unchanged)
voxl-vision-hub1.7.1 –> 1.6.6
voxl-voxblox1.1.5 –> 1.1.3
voxl-vpn0.0.6 (unchanged) 

SDK 1.1.0 Full Changelog (from SDK 1.0.0)

libmodal-cv  (0.3.2 to 0.4.0)
    * minor version bump to reflect new cvp dewarp and dfs dependency
    * fix deprecated warning for mcv_en_debug_prints
    * go to consistent naming for dfs and undistort cvp configs (WARNING might break symbols)
    * Added `lens.h` for working with stereo and mono lenses
    * Added `undistort_cvp.h` for computing undistortions with CVP hardware
    * Modified `dfs.h` to use sessions rather than static variables
    * Created `private_types.h`, defining undistortion and DFS sessions

libmodal-exposure  (0.0.8 to 0.1.0)
    * prevent MSV returning NAN when whole image is saturated
    * consider anything >=253 saturated

libmodal-pipe  (2.8.5 to 2.9.2)
    * improve pipe_server cleanup step
    * automatically truncate long client names when constructing a new pipe path
    * increase random digits to 8
    * make sure random digits are positive and have leading zeros
    * fix regression on old platforms where glibc was <2.25
    * remove limit of number of parallel clients with the same name
    * each client now gets a new unique pipe filename with each connection
    * remove useless detection of same-client reconnects
    * fix bug where multiple clients with the same name clash if connecting too fast

libqrb5165-io  (0.2.0 to 0.4.2)
    * rename voxl_io_gtest to qrb5165-io-gtest
    * bugfixes in uart ringbuffer
    * apply strict version "provide" for voxl-slpi-uart-bridge
    * add support for SLPI uart
    * add voxl_uart_init_legacy_slpi for voxl-esc and voxl-elrs to use
    * add functions for 16-bit register i2c read and writes
    * Update SPI MAX_BUS from 16 to 20 to account for 20 QUPs
    * fix GPIO 152-155 as ALL (not OUT)
    * remove chatty output on gpio setting
    * add GPIO functions
    * refactor some example names
    * add support for SLPI uart

qrb5165-dfs-server  (0.1.0 to 0.2.0)
    * refactor to use CVP dewarp
    * new config options for xga images
    * new dependency on libmodalcv 0.4.0

qrb5165-imu-server  (0.6.0 to 1.0.0)
    * add correct imu data rotation for M0104 VOXL2 mini
    * fix build-time regression due to libqrb5165-io update
    * resync deb version with tag

voxl-camera-calibration  (0.4.0 to 0.5.1)
    * add extrapolation towards edges of thresholding to help with extreme lens shading
    * new threshold algo and other improvements

voxl-camera-server  (1.6.2 to 1.8.7)
    * fix bug where color images debayered to RGB still said NV12 in the pipe info json
    * add support for Rotating AR0144 image
    * put old exposure settings back for now until we do testing
    * more ar0144 support
    * add exposure and gain upper and lower limits to config file
    * add cam config 22 for D0013
    * fix sentinel front stereo flip on old system image
    * fix jpeg snapshots being cut short by 1 byte
    * voxl-configure-cameras better handling of new custom config file when fresh/missing
    * dynamically set libmodal_exposure gain limits based on hal3 reported numbers in prep for system image 1.7.x gain scaling change
    * set C18 config name
    * favor faster exposure times for vio cameras
    * config file now has simple boolean for raw data preview true/false
    * remove old pre_format field from config file
    * fix regression in debayer processing
    * white balance for m0113 ov9782 without IR filter
    * add single mode option for combo sensors
    * allow both "snapshot-no-save" and "snapshot_no_save" commands
    * split up buffergroup mutex per group now
    * voxl-camera-server -l stops the background service before running
    * pick imx214 and imx412 resolutions based on system image version
    * workaround bug in cam config helper
    * pick Sentinel Stereo flip based on system image
    * new camera configs 18-21
    * new config file option to rotate stereo cams independently
    * flip Sentinel front stereo back around now that the driver is unflipped
    * add software debayering for OV9782 when running in raw preview mode
    * new tools voxl-bayer-stats and voxl-image-stats to help with image tuning
    * increase AE brightness for ov9782
    * new rotate feature via cci-direct for ov7251 and ov9782
    * add while balance for ov9782 when in RAW mode
    * add soft min exposure field to config file for MSV mode
    * migrate all camera configs to files
    * polish qrb5165-configure-cameras
    * improve voxl-camera-server -l information list
    * fix raw10 -> raw8 conversion with GBM buffers
    * fix segfault on start if camera is disconnected but still enabled
    * fix bug where pipe commands for exposure could break slave camera when not enabled
    * Small improvements to custom camera config
    * fix stride for ov7251 on qrb5165
    * discard stride completely on apq8096
    * fix some more uninitialized variables
    * add C17 IMX412 + TOF + Tracking + stereo 9782
    * swap qrb5165 buffer allocation to GBM
    * increase some default resolutions to full sensor res thanks to GBM
    * new experimental custom-camera-config file method for configuration

voxl-configurator  (0.2.7 to 0.4.4)
    * D0010 moved to new D0010 px4 params
    * add voxl2-mini support in qvio section of configure-mpa
    * fix D0013 config
    * treat sentinel and voxl2 flight deck the same
    * add sku handling for -M, -T, and -X
    * new config options for configuring px4 for d0006-v2, d0010, and d0013
    * differentiate Sentinel D0006 V1 and V2
    * voxl-configure-mpa adds a more helpful error message if a package is missing
    * better seeker support for both cam config options
    * set up d0010 calibration list
    * fix rb5 imu disable flag
    * add retry feature to voxl-configure-mpa
    * finish D0010 and D0011 integration
    * voxl-configure-sku polished cam config step allows to auto-choose default
    * first pass at adding D0010 and D0011
    * fix board-only custom camera sku parsing
    * add support for custom camera config to construct sku wizard
    * add support for -CC flag in SKU for custom camera config
    * add cal files for starling with stereo
    * add lepton lens cal for fpv
    * fix fpv lens cal filename
    * remove redundant line in voxl-configure-mpa
    * Added D0004 factory test
    * Added D0004 json
    * Add px4-imu test
    * Fix voxl-camera-server pipe names in voxl-health-check
    * Fix small input_rc bug in voxl-health-check

voxl-docker-support  (1.2.5 to 1.3.0)
    * cleanup qrb5165 install
    * remove our own daemon systemd service, just use the docker one

voxl-elrs  (0.0.7 to 0.1.3)
    * Fix TX flashing bug
    * new dependency on voxl_uart_init_legacy_slpi from libqrb5165-io (0.4.0)
    * Allow PWM outputs on Ch1-4 for supported STM32 based receivers (FrSky R9Mini for now)
    * Updated flashing for BetaFPV Nano Rx receiver to guide user through the process of recovering receiver when flashing fails
    * When updating firmware, will now automatically retry flashing the device if device failed to sync or go into bootloader mode
    * Small updates to wizard menus (more options for flashing receiver)
    * Improved flashing reliability for receivers with esp8266 based chips (BetaFPV) by updating flashing script to better accommodate for delay in communication with SLPI
    * Add voxl-configure-elrs and PWM configuration for supported receivers (FrSky R9MM/Mini right now)
    * Add PWM-over-IP support for R9Mini using a steam deck
    * Fix TX flash bug
    * Add r9mini uart flash wrapper script
    * Enable flash FrSky R9Mini via UART on voxl2 (J19)
    * Add recovery option for BetaFPV Nano RX that is bricked
    * Add voxl-esc dependency
    * Finish implementation of unbind command
    * Add FrSky R9Mini application binary to esptool submodule
    * Add scan and firmware upgrade support for R9Mini
    * Fix bug when flashing transmitter
    * add initial unbind command file
    * add crc calculation tool

voxl-esc  (1.2.2 to 1.3.4)
    * V39 RC6 firmware with extended RPM packet support
    * new dependency on voxl_uart_init_legacy_slpi from libqrb5165-io (0.4.0)
    * fix param readback bug in v39 firmware
    * add M0052 target support
    * v39 RC4 firmware with neopixel led support
    * put Seeker and RB5 params back to 250000 baud to work with old SDK
    * swap sentinel startup tune back to default
    * make fpv startup tune silent
    * sentinel slower and more robust startup

voxl-feature-tracker  (0.2.3 to 0.3.2)
    * this version includes many changes for flir lepton optical flow
    * change overlay video to RGB and add more details
    * add flowback check
    * add parameter for subpixel refinement
    * add parameter for blur feature
    * add parameters for lk and homography features
    * add vft log mpa output controlled by en_logging parameter
    * merge in upstream changes from v0.2.3
    * Remove voxl-eigen3 as a runtime dependency

voxl-lepton-server  (1.1.2 to 1.2.0)
    * add a new pipe publishing original 16-bit raw data

voxl-logger  (0.3.4 to 0.3.5)
    * added logging of RGB images
    * added logging of binary data to a data.raw file to log arbitrary packets and parse them later (-w option)
    * added logging of vft_feature_packet data to a csv with the -r option

voxl-mavcam-manager  (0.5.1 to 0.5.3)
    * improve parsing of voxl-my-ip output
    * add prints to help the user debug which URI is being advertized
    * allow user to set their own default URI
    * allow user to disable the auto uri update
    * handle the case where voxl-my-ip fails during auto update

voxl-mavlink-server  (1.2.0 to 1.3.1)
    * remove libqrb5165-dependency for now to unlock APQ8096 builds
    * migrate to libqrb5165-io for uart
    * new dependency on libqrb5165-io >=0.4.0
    * fix bus error on APQ8096

voxl-modem  (1.0.5 to 1.0.8)
    * Update udp_mtu in voxl-mavlink-server for Doodle modems
    * add DTC support
    * add basic qrb5165 Sierra EM9191 support

voxl-mpa-to-ros  (0.3.6 to 0.3.7)
    * fix publishing stereo images
    * fix publishing AI detections from voxl-tflite-server

voxl-mpa-tools  (1.0.4 to 1.1.2)
    * add D0013 extrinsics file
    * update fpv revb extrinsics file for tracking cam mount revision
    * improve voxl-inspect-detections
    * add helpful instructions to view rgb output in voxl-record-raw-image
    * new tool voxl-record-raw-image
    * csv format option in voxl-inspect-imu
    * cleanup unused fields in Sentinel and Starling extrinsics files

voxl-portal  (0.5.9 to 0.6.2)
    * add support for RAW16 images
    * new page for VIO debug
    * improve 3D viewports
    * Changed dark mode button to be more easily identifiable
    * Mapper will only be accessible if voxl-mapper is installed
    * Implemented hires small h264 video stream using JMuxer
    * Implemented hires snapshot camera
    * Added new snapshot button to cameras that have the snapshot option enabled and this allows a snapshot command to be sent through that current camera pipe
    * New option under debug tab that allows you to see voxl-version info
    * New option under debug tab that allows you to inspect the services that are currently running
    * Included current voxl-suite number in header
    * Table stats are now on by default
    * Multiview cameras are off by default allowing users to select which ones they wish to see
    * Added hires small h264 camera to available options in multiview mode
    * Fixed issue that caused header drop downs to become unresponsive
    * added D0004 support in portal api support cpp
    * update arm/disarm logic in portal-parser
    * add params to be loaded for D0004 in portal-parser

voxl-px4-params  (0.1.8 to 0.2.7)
    * put M500 back to old stable PIDs in 1.14 M500 tune
    * resync divergence of FCV1 and FCV2 1.14 M500 params
    * update M500 FCv1/FCv2 to use dhsot in new CA_* paradigm
    * increase EKF2_EV_QMIN to 10
    * smoother takeoff for starling and others
    * first attempt at px4 1.14 params for Seeker and M500
    * disable pos/vel switch using MPC_HOLD_MAX_XY param
    * cleanup fpv tune
    * initial attempt to remove fpv MPC wobble
    * starting point for D0013, mostly placeholder right now
    * Automatically retry upload parameter on failure
    * Validate that parameters are successfully uploaded after uploading a file
    * Set EFK2_EV_QMIN to 1 in EKF2_helpers/indoor_vio.params and EKF2_helpers/vio_gps_baro.params
    * Modify RC_MAP_KILL_SW for FPV platform
    * Added COM_CPU_MAX for FPV platform
    * Redid COM_OF_LOSS_T setting for FPV platform

voxl-px4  (0.1.8 to 0.2.7)
    * Changed GPS, magnetometer, and status LED configuration to auto-detection
    * Some updates to the gazebo HITL support
    * Implemented a backwards compatible way to check for the DSP CPU load
    * Added docker build files and scripts for gazebo (with patches)
    * Updates to mc inject system id parameters
    * Restart system id when props not armed
    * Added support for protocol version 0x01 in SpektrumRC driver
    * new voxl-configure-px4 options for d0010, d0011, d0013, and generic voxl2-mini
    * new voxl-configure-px4 options for sentinel_v2 aka d0006_v2
    * Add microdds_client for ROS2 support
    * Remove bad characters from postinst causing installation errors
    * Remove, not needed anymore
    * Add modal_io_bridge to postinst
    * Add daemon restart attempt to postinst
    * Compensate for queueing delays in GPS and RC input
    * Add modal_io_bridge to allow raw UART commands to be passed to modal_io endpoints
    * Reduce mavlink barometer updates from 20Hz to 10Hz
    * Add onboard mavlink stream to HITL start file for MAVSDK interface
    * Add rc_input to postinst for M0052 target
    * Removed 6 extra 1 second sleeps in the start sequence to make it faster
    * Changed some configuration items for startup for mRo GPS, and power manager
    * Increased vehicle command topic queue length to prevent lost commands during calibration
    * Added new elrs_led driver to allow setting LED based on button presses coming from ground control station
    * Updated the rate for onboard consumers of the SCALED_PRESSURE Mavlink message
    * Added new configuration option for mRo GPS unit
    * Added support for the Lightware SF000 distance laser sensor
    * add MC_THR_CURVE_ACR to specify throttle curve behavior in Acro mode
    * Add M0065 SBUS support with new dsp_sbus driver
    * Add HITL
    * Add param to control publishing of battery_status from mini esc
    * Update logic to only process most recent update in manual_control module
    * Add ist8308 magnetometer driver to SLPI build
    * Changes default commander mode to manual
    * Fixes SITL
    * ESC status logging rate increased to 200Hz
    * Added restart on fail to voxl-px4 service file
    * Fixes to the GPS devices submodule to help with reliable M10 UBX startup
    * Added parameters to control timeouts on external vision measurements
    * Changed amps in voxlpm to signed int to account for reverse current
    * Reverted: "Fixed offboard flight mode transition" because it didn't really work
    * Added install dependency on rb5-system-image OR voxl2-system-image
    * Fixed offboard flight mode transition
    * Fixed delayed flight mode transitions in outgoing mavlink heartbeat messages

voxl-qvio-server  (0.9.3 to 0.9.4)
    * update fpv lens cal filename

voxl-remote-id  (0.0.8 to 0.0.9)
    * Fix M0052 hostapd path

voxl-streamer  (0.7.1 to 0.7.4)
    * fix typo in
    * fix regression in APQ8096
    * set intra-frame period for non h264/h265 sources
    * add postinst to update systemd on install

voxl-utils  (1.3.1 to 1.3.3)
    * fix voxl-my-ip on apq8096

voxl-vision-hub  (1.6.6 to 1.7.1)
    * set send_odom_while_failed to true by default
    * bump reset counter on first new good odometry packet to PX4 instead of on failure
    * new dependency on libmodalcv 0.4.0
    * change secondary vio pipe default to ov
    * fix bug where secondary vio pipe name was not printed on connection
    * don't restart PX4 on EKF2 error unless it's on apq8096 AND older than 1.13.0

    * disable the QC lunch-make-scripts service

SDK 1.1.X Test Matrix

In Progress
Not Supported

SDK 1.1.3 Test Status

ArchitectureDescriptionIndoor Test StatusOutdoor Test Status
D0004Qualcomm Flight RB5 5G Deprecated
D0011-4PX4 Autonomy Dev Kit, see: Starling
D0012-4Starling 2 Max, see: Starling
D0014-4Starling 2, see: Starling
D0015-4Fixed Wing (WIP)