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Calibrate Cameras (ROS/Deprecated)

This package is deprecated

This page contains the deprecated process for calibrating voxl’s cameras through the ros tool.

Please refer to On-board camera calibration for normal camera calibration practice.

Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
    1. 1. Setup ROS
    2. 2. Install python pip and py
    3. 3. Calibration Card
    4. 4. Download Calibration Package
    5. 5. Patch the ROS Camera Calibrator
    6. 6. Configure Cameras
  3. Calibrate Stereo Cameras
    1. 1. Start voxl_mpa_to_ros
    2. 2. Check Images (Optional)
    3. 3. Start the ROS Camera Calibrator Tool
    4. 4. Move the Calibration Card Around
    5. 5. Save Results
    6. 6. Push Results to VOXL
    7. 7. Check Files (Optional)
  4. Calibrate Tracking Camera
    1. 1. Start voxl_mpa_to_ros
    2. 2. Check Images (Optional)
    3. 3. Start the ROS Camera Calibrator Tool
    4. 4. Move the Calibration Card Around
    5. 5. Save Results
    6. 6. Push Results to VOXL


For Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO) and Visual Obstacle Avoidance (VOA) to work accurately, the tracking and stereo cameras must be calibrated properly. VIO is robust and the default calibration files will work out of the box, however we provide a calibration method here should you wish to recalibrate.

Stereo depth mapping for VOA, on the other hand, is highly sensitive both to the lens parameters as well as the physical mounting of the cameras on the frame. Therefore we do not provide a default calibration file and stereo calibration MUST BE PERFORMED before use.

If you wish to calibrate your cameras, this step should be done after setting up ROS and running voxl-configure-cameras.


1. Setup ROS

Follow the Setup ROS guide and confirm the ROS environment is set up so your host PC and VOXL can talk ROS to one another.

2. Install python pip and py

me@mylaptop:~$ sudo apt install python-pip
me@mylaptop:~$ pip install pyyaml

3. Calibration Card

Requisition an openCV camera calibration card, either an asymmetric circles (acircles) card or a simple checkerboard. You can print an acircles card from here.

We suggest printing as large as you can. Internally we use an acircles card roughly 52x73cm print of the above image with 60mm spacing between circles. We also use a 6x7 checkerboard with 50mm spacing. The remaining instructions will gives commands that you can copy/paste to use these particular two cards. Your card will likely be different so you can treat these as examples and modify the arguments from there.

4. Download Calibration Package

Download the ModalAI VOXL Camera Calibration package to the directory of your choosing.

me@mylaptop:~$ cd ~/git/
me@mylaptop:~/git/$ git clone
me@mylaptop:~/git/$ cd voxl-camera-calibration

5. Patch the ROS Camera Calibrator

The Downward Facing Tracking camera has an ultra-wide fisheye lens and needs to be calibrated with a fisheye lens distortion model which ROS does not readily support. However, support can be added with the patch included with this package. The patch also improves performance of the stereo calibration. This is only necessary for fisheye calibration but suggested for both.

me@mylaptop:~/git/voxl-camera-calibration$ ./

If desired, the ROS calibration tool can be reset back to stock with the following script

me@mylaptop:~/git/voxl-camera-calibration$ ./fisheye_patch/

It is possible that future updates to your ROS packages will overwrite this patch. If you get errors saying “fisheye argument not supported” you can just run the appy script again.

6. Configure Cameras

Ensure you have configured the VOXL cameras accordingly by running the following command:

# on VOXL
yocto:~# voxl-configure-cameras

Calibrate Stereo Cameras

1. Start voxl_mpa_to_ros

Start the voxl_mpa_to_ros node on VOXL to stream left and right stereo images. Make sure that voxl-camera-server is running in the background and publishing stereo frames to /run/mpa

# on VOXL
yocto:~# roslaunch voxl_mpa_to_ros voxl_mpa_to_ros.launch

2. Check Images (Optional)

Check that the images look sensible and are streaming with rqt_image_view on host PC. Images should be streamed with the ROS topics /stereo/left/image_raw and /stereo/right/image_raw. This is a good point to check that images are in focus and focus the lenses by CAREFULLY rotating the lens housing.

# on host PC
me@mylaptop:~$ rqt_image_view

3. Start the ROS Camera Calibrator Tool

Note you will need to adjust the pattern, size, and square arguments to match the calibration card you are using. The “square” argument denotes the linear distance between circles in meters in the directions parallel to the image edge, not diagonally.

# on host pc, for acircles card
me@mylaptop:~$ rosrun camera_calibration --camera_name=stereo --no-service-check --pattern 'acircles' --size 4x11 --square 0.060 right:=/stereo/right/image_raw left:=/stereo/left/image_raw right_camera:=/stereo/right left_camera:=/stereo/left
# on host pc, for chessboard card
me@mylaptop:~$ rosrun camera_calibration --camera_name=stereo --no-service-check --pattern 'chessboard' --size 6x7 --square 0.050 right:=/stereo/right/image_raw left:=/stereo/left/image_raw right_camera:=/stereo/right left_camera:=/stereo/left

4. Move the Calibration Card Around

Move the calibration pattern or the camera around until the X, Y, Size, and Skew bars become green. Now set the calibration pattern down and hit the “CALIBRATE” button in the GUI. The GUI will appear to freeze as it processes the saved image data. This may take 20-60 seconds depending on number of images collected and the speed of your computer.

5. Save Results

Once it is done, you will see the calibration coefficients printed to the terminal in which you launched the calibrator GUI. The last few lines of the printout should look something like this:

camera matrix
430.403124 0.000000 323.046188
0.000000 432.020182 236.679750
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

-0.015701 -0.003187 -0.000397 -0.000020 0.000000

0.998362 0.036306 -0.044217
-0.036325 0.999340 0.000363
0.044201 0.001244 0.999022

460.015876 0.000000 353.705967 -36.456202
0.000000 460.015876 236.873411 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000

Now hit the “SAVE” button in the GUI. This will save the calibration coefficients to the /tmp/ directory on the host PC. You can now close the GUI. Note that in some ROS releases you may have to kill the GUI with “Ctrl-C” from the terminal in which you launched it.

6. Push Results to VOXL

To push this calibration data to the VOXL, run the following script. This will push both of the ROS camera_info files (left.yaml and right.yaml) to /home/root/.ros/camera_info/. It will also generate a single XML file for use by SNAV and the ModalAI Vision Lib. Note, this requires ADB and a USB cable!

me@mylaptop:~/git/voxl-camera-calibration$  ./

7. Check Files (Optional)

If you like, you can check that all 3 files appeared and that their contents match the new coefficients printed out during the calibration process on the host PC.

# on VOXL
yocto:~# ls /home/root/.ros/camera_info/
yocto:~# tracking.yaml  hires.yaml  left.yaml  right.yaml
yocto:~# cat /home/root/.ros/camera_info/right.yaml
yocto:~# cat /etc/snav/calibration.stereo.xml

Calibrate Tracking Camera

This is far less critical than stereo calibration and VIO will likely work just fine out of the box with default camera calibration. However, if high precision is desired it can be calibrated as follows.

1. Start voxl_mpa_to_ros

Start the voxl_mpa_to_ros node on VOXL to stream tracking images. Make sure that voxl-camera-server is running in the background and publishing tracking frames to /run/mpa

# on VOXL
yocto:~# roslaunch voxl_mpa_to_ros voxl_mpa_to_ros.launch

2. Check Images (Optional)

Check that the images look sensible and are streaming with rqt_image_view on host PC. Images should be streamed with the ROS topic /tracking/image_raw. Unlike the stereo cameras, the tracking camera benefits little from precise focusing and we suggest not tampering with the tracking camera unless you know what you are doing and want to take the risk.

# on host PC
me@mylaptop:~$ rqt_image_view

3. Start the ROS Camera Calibrator Tool

Start the ROS camera calibrator tool. Note you will need to adjust the pattern, size, and square arguments to match the calibration card you are using. The “square” argument denotes the linear distance between circles in meters in the directions parallel to the image edge, not diagonally.

# on host pc, for acircles card
me@mylaptop:~$ rosrun camera_calibration -c tracking -p 'acircles' --size 4x11 --square 0.060 --fisheye image:=/tracking/image_raw
# on host pc, for chessboard card
me@mylaptop:~$ rosrun camera_calibration -c tracking -p 'chessboard' --size 6x7 --square 0.050 --fisheye image:=/tracking/image_raw

4. Move the Calibration Card Around

Move the calibration pattern or the camera around until the X, Y, Size, and Skew bars become green. Now set the calibration pattern down and hit the “CALIBRATE” button in the GUI. The GUI will may appear to freeze as it processes the saved image data. It may take several seconds to complete.

5. Save Results

Once it is done, you will see the calibration coefficients printed to the terminal in which you launched the calibrator GUI. The last few lines of the printout should look something like this:


camera matrix
276.265869 0.000000 323.111810
0.000000 276.756284 242.173704
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

-0.004169 0.019566 -0.016125 0.004654

1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

298.050232 0.000000 327.226979 0.000000
0.000000 294.181091 229.660997 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000

Now hit the “SAVE” button in the GUI. This will save the calibration coefficients to the /tmp/ directory on the host PC. You can now close the GUI. Note that in some ROS releases you may have to kill the GUI with “Ctrl-C” from the terminal in which you launched it.

6. Push Results to VOXL

To push this calibration data to the VOXL, run the following script. This will push both of the ROS camera_info files (left.yaml and right.yaml) to /home/root/.ros/camera_info/. It will also generate a single XML file for use by SNAV and the ModalAI Vision Lib. Note, this requires ADB and a USB cable!

me@mylaptop:~/git/voxl-camera-calibration$ ./