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VOXL2 supports hardware-based file encryption which can be enabled without any changes in the Kernel. Fscrypt software is used to encrypt folders and files.

  • each top-level encrypted folder uses a separete encryption key
  • sub-directories, file contents, file names, and symbolic links are encrypted
  • timestamps, file sizes, number of files, and extended attributes are not encrypted


  • Check which device is mounted as the root file system (/). In this case, it is /dev/sda9
voxl2:/$ mount
/dev/sda9 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime)
  • Confirm that the file system uses page-sized blocks (both should be 4096):
voxl2:/$ tune2fs -l /dev/sda9 | grep "Block size"
Block size:               4096

voxl2:/$ getconf PAGE_SIZE
  • Enable encryption on the device that corresponds to the desired (/) partition
voxl2:/$ tune2fs -O encrypt,stable_inodes /dev/sda9
tune2fs 1.44.3 (10-July-2018)
  • Set up fscrypt tool
fscrypt setup
  • Check fscrypt status
voxl2:~/$ fscrypt status
filesystems supporting encryption: 1
filesystems with fscrypt metadata: 1

/              /dev/sda9  ext4        supported      Yes


  • Create an empty directory
mkdir /home/root/encrypted_folder
  • Encrypt new directory
    • The directory has to be created first, encrypted and then files and sub-directories that are added will be automatically encrypted
voxl2:~$ fscrypt encrypt /home/root/encrypted_folder/
Should we create a new protector? [y/N] y
The following protector sources are available:
1 - Your login passphrase (pam_passphrase)
2 - A custom passphrase (custom_passphrase)
3 - A raw 256-bit key (raw_key)
Enter the source number for the new protector [2 - custom_passphrase]: 2
Enter a name for the new protector: my_new_protector
Enter custom passphrase for protector "my_new_protector": 
Confirm passphrase: 
"/home/root/encrypted_folder/" is now encrypted, unlocked, and ready for use.
  • Check status of the encrypted directory
voxl2:~$ fscrypt status /home/root/encrypted_folder/
"/home/root/encrypted_folder/" is encrypted with fscrypt.

Policy:   e33179f4c202cd56b8bf5bd173299072
Options:  padding:32 contents:AES_256_XTS filenames:AES_256_CTS policy_version:2 
Unlocked: Yes

Protected with 1 protector:
6d14bd87c1bad978  No      custom protector "my_new_protector"

  • Create a test file in the encrypted (unlocked) directory
voxl2:~$ cd encrypted_folder/
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ echo "encryption test" > test.txt
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ more test.txt 
encryption test
  • Reboot VOXL2 or lock the folder
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ ls
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ cd ../
voxl2:~$ fscrypt lock encrypted_folder 
"encrypted_folder" is now locked.
voxl2:~$ cd encrypted_folder/
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ ls
  • Unlock the encrypted folder
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ fscrypt unlock .
Enter custom passphrase for protector "my_new_protector": 
"." is now unlocked and ready for use.
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ ls
voxl2:~/encrypted_folder$ more test.txt 
encryption test